Bassingham Scout Group
Waiting List Policy
We have a very successful Group in Bassingham which has a highly motivated and committed team behind it. However, whilst we are delighted that the group is so popular, it does, inevitably, cause disappointment when children must wait to join us and in a minority of cases, have a place declined where numbers prohibit. Hence, we decided that it would be appropriate to draw up a formal policy to ensure clarity for all parties in deciding how to allocate places to those children waiting to join the Group.
This policy attempts to explain how we match places, as they become available, with young people on the list.
General notes:
For a young person to be added to the waiting list, the following details MUST be supplied: full name, date of birth, address + postcode, and phone and email contact details of at least one parent/guardian.
If a young person waiting for a Section does not obtain a place in time to join that Section, then they will remain on the list for the next Section up.
Our Group relies on the efforts of our adult volunteers (Leaders, Assistants, Executive Committee etc), without whom it would simply not continue. We always need more adult volunteers. Therefore, we give a high priority to those on the waiting list who have an adult family member who is willing and able to take on a Role within the Group.
The school that a young person attends is NOT a factor in deciding the priority for allocation of places
Priorities when allocating places
The following is a list of criteria that we use when allocating places to young people – in approximate order of priority. Nevertheless, please note that allocation of all places is at the discretion of Section Leaders and the Group Scout Leader:
The young person is already a member of the group and is moving up from the section below (i.e. Beavers to Cubs or Cubs to Scouts).
A parent or other adult family member commits to volunteering in one of the following uniformed roles: Leader, Assistant Leader or Section Assistant.
The young person is already a member of The Scout Association at a Group outside of Lincoln District and has recently moved house to within our catchment area.
A child who has a sibling who is already a member of the group.
If allocated a place, the young person will have at least one year within the Section being joined before reaching the age of moving up to the next Section
After all the above have been taken into account, the amount of time spent on the waiting list will be considered as a factor with those living within our catchment area
At the committee’s discretion if a place is still available (after all above)
Our Catchment Area
Carlton le Moorland
Brant Broughton
Norton Disney
Further considerations
A young person wishing to transfer from another Group within Lincoln District to 30th Lincoln is given no special priority.
If there are still no placed available, we will try and put you in touch with another group in our surrounding area.
For details on other groups in the area contact the Lincoln and District Scouts ’Join-in Coordinator’ Ken Blake (ken.blake@lincolnscouts.org.uk) or visit https://lincolndistrictscouts.org.uk/
Last Updated Feb 2020