Bassingham Scout Group

Scouts meets on Thursday nights during school term time. Meetings take place at the Village Hall in School Lane, Bassingham unless the programme states otherwise.
We try to get out and about as much as possible have have as many activities as possible.
When you're doing these activities you will also be learning new things like map-reading, fire-lighting, first-aid, cookery (yes, cookery, Scouts sometimes cook for themselves on Thursday nights).
The Scouts usually have:
A trip to a mountain hostel in spring
A camp in July
A two day hiking expedition
One or two over night trips to the North York Moors
Individual expeditions for Chief Scout's Award and other badges
You will also learn the sort of skills that people pay management consultants thousands of pounds to learn like:
How to relate to different sorts of people.
How to work in a group to achieve a common goal.
How to think through problems and solve them.
Safety and Equipment
We have a lot of activities that take us away from the hut like bivouacking nights, night hikes, etc. The Calendar will tell you what is happening. Additional information will be provided closer to each event through notices handed out during the meeting. In particular, nights away need to be authorised by your parent or guardian. Remember the golden rule: No authorisation = No activity!
A kit list is usually issued for a camp, hike or similar activity. The list of what is necessary has been assembled by Leaders with many years' experience. Please make sure that you bring every item on the list.
If there is something on the list that you haven't got then please ask - the Group may be able to find a spare. However, do not turn up without the correct kit - your safety is at issue: No kit = No activity!