Bassingham Scout Group
Info for Adults
Most of the cost of running the Group is met by a subscription payment (usually referred to as subs) every half term. This can be paid by cash, cheque or standing order.
For payments by cash or cheque, please put them in an envelope clearly marked with your child's name.
For information about setting up a standing order please speak to our treasurer or one of the leaders.
Gift Aid
It is vitally important that all parents who are UK tax payers sign a Gift Aid Declaration form. Gift Aid doesn't cost you anything but it increases our Group income by several hundred pounds each year from the Government.
Cool Running
Please help your child to help us operate smoothly:
Please be on time. You need to arrive a few minutes before the official start time to get your coat off and get ready.
We are a uniformed organisation and all members need a uniform. Please wash and iron the uniform periodically (at least before we have to parade your child somewhere!). Uniforms can be bought from Lincoln and Newark. Neckers are bought directly from Bassingham Scout Group before investiture.
There is the annual St. George's Day Service - held in Lincoln Cathedral around the 23rd April - and parade. We operate a three-line-whip for this event so make a note in your diaries now!
The Group works closwly with St Michael's Church, Bassingham. We attend the rememberance service each November. We ask for parent's support in ensuring that this are well attended.
For Cubs and Scouts we expect full attendance at the Christmas Bag Packing at ASDA (a big fund raising activity for us).
Every year at Christmas, Cubs provide a Christmas Postal Service in Bassingham and surround villages.
Scouts invite you all to a yearly coffee morning.
Online Scout Manager (OSM)
We use Online Scout manager to hold our scouting records and to aid our GDPR compliance. This also gives access to parents\carers to ensure your personal details are kept up to date, and you have access to our programme and booking on to events. Please keep an eye out for regular emails from OSM.
As a voluntary organisation we have to hold an AGM. The important (i.e. staying legal) part of the proceedings is ratifying the accounts and set the level of subs for the following year. As if that isn't exciting enough, we'll also tell you what each section has been doing, show you some photos, answer any questions you might have. After all of this you might even want to consider....
....Offering More
Kids are great aren't they? Scouting is fun. If you enjoy songs, games, fires, ropes, rivers, mountains, tents, and generally having a good time then why not lend us a hand? You might be surprised how much you enjoy it! (see Volunteer now!)