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Can you help?

All adult members of the group are volunteers.

Leaders - These are the uniformed leader team who run Beavers, Cubs and Scouts. We need Assistant Leaders across all three Sections. Full training offered at no cost to you.

Section Assistants - Across all three Sections. No need to wear uniform and only undertake the most basic of training

Executive Committee - The exec is made up of Group Scout Leader, Chair, Secretary, Treasurer & Parent Representatives from each section. Our Section leaders are also usually members of the executive. Responsible for policy making and managing the group. Members of the Exec are also Trustees for the group.

Occasional Helpers - as the name suggests, simply help out as and when you can - a couple of hours a term. No training. No uniform


It is not essential to have any prior knowledge or particular ability, as we can give you full training for whatever you might like to undertake, whether that is with our youngest Members to help them in games, or to camp in the wilds with our eldest. Your most valuable qualities will be a sense of fun and an appreciation of the enthusiasm and energy of young people.

You will find yourself involved in a whole range of activities which probably don't figure much in your life at the moment, and it could add a whole new dimension.

If you are interested, you are very welcome to have an informal chat with the Group Scout Leader, and maybe pay a visit to a section meeting one evening to see what it's like.

Please email


Section Assistant


Reporting to:-

Beaver Team Leader

Our Beaver section is looking for someone to assist with admin 'front desk' support at the start & end of meetings to ensure parents are updated with notices, taking an attendance register, sorting subs, taking parent queries and updating OSM. A parent with members in beavers would be well suited to this role (save travelling).

Section Assistant


Reporting to:-

Scout Team Leader

Assist with running meetings & program planning

Marketing for campsite project

Campsite sub Committee

Reporting to:-

Campsite Sub-committee Chair

Our Campsite sub committee would like someone creative to help creating marketing type material for our campsite project. Working with the grant \ fundraiser and the rest of the campsite sub committee. 
Fundraising \ Grant applications

Campsite sub Committee

Reporting to:-

Campsite Sub-committee Chair

Our Campsite sub committee would like someone to help with creating and applying for funding towards our campsite project. Anyone with experience in this field would be a real help to us.

​Find us: 

Bassingham, Lincoln, Lincolnshire, England


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