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Beavers are boys and girls aged from 6 to 8 years and are the youngest section of the Scout Movement. A group of Beaver Scouts is called a Colony and the Colony is split up into smaller groups called Lodges

The theme of the programme is Fun and Friendship. We play lots of games and introduce learning through play. Activities are based around making things, outdoor activities, singing, playing games, going out on visits, investigating nature, listening to stories, learning how to be safe and most importantly, making new friends.

When your child first joins beavers they will be encouraged to do the membership badge. This involves finding out about what we do and making a promise.


Motto and promise

The Beaver Scout Motto is: Be Prepared

The Beaver Scout Promise is: I promise to do my best, To be kind and helpful, And to love God.



After a Beaver has attended a few meetings there is an investiture ceremony, to which parents are invited, this is when the Beaver will make the Beaver Promise and be presented with their membership badges, district badges and a Bassingham Scout Group necker.

Click here to register your interest



Beavers participate in a stimulating programme of activities which over a period covers five zones:

1.Getting to know other people

2.Learning about yourself

3.Discovering creativity and practical skills

4.Exploring the world around you

5.Discovering beliefs and attitudes


Beavers are encouraged to complete 6 Challenge Awards which include the five zones. Once a Beaver has completed 5 Challenge Awards, they are then set a Personal Challenge to complete the set of 6 and this leads no to their Chief Scout's Bronze Award, which is the highest Beaver Scout award. During their time as a Beaver Scout they also have the opportunity to do up to 20 Activity badges.



Subscriptions are payable on the first meeting of each half term and are currently £20. This is payable to 1st Bassingham Scout Group, the fees go towards hall hire, equipment, badges and the weekly programme.



Bassingham Beavers meet on a Wednesday night in Bassingham Village Hall from 6pm to 7.15pm (during School Term time) The Colony is made up of 4 Beaver leaders, 2 Young Leader and 24 Beavers. Parents are also encouraged to help out each week on a rota list.

​Find us: 

Bassingham, Lincoln, Lincolnshire, England


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